This Icon editor should have no problems working withicon lists of up to around 700 icons depending on yoursystem memory setup. The Icon limit is 700 Icons. If you experience a slow down during the display of theIcons, you may need to increase the buffers statement inyour CONFIG.SYS file. A BUFFERS=60 seems to work best with large Icon libraries ofover 250 icons. Creating New Icons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a new Icon, click on the File Icon and then entera new Icon filename. The editor window will be cleared andyou may begin painting your new Icon. Editing Existing Icons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on the List icon, a list of all icons will be displayed, select an icon to edit by clicking on the icon.You may also select an icon through the file list accessedthrough the File icon. Deleting Icons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on the File icon. Select the icon you want to deleteby highlighting it then click on the enter icon. You mayalso just click on the filename to delete it. Moving Icons. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on the file Icon. From the Icon list, click on theIcon you want to move. From the Drive list, click on thedrive you want this Icon moved to. From the Directory list,click on the directory you want this Icon in. New Path. ~~~~~~~~~ Click on the file Icon. From the Drive list, click on thedrive you want to work from. From the Directory list, clickon the directory you want to work from. NOTE !! All Icons that are currently being used by DesignSHELL (DESIGN01.ICN to DESIGN49.ICN), and the wallpaper iconfiles must reside in the same drive/directory that theDesign SHELL program files are located in. All other Iconsmay be placed in an alternative drive/directory, and can beaccessed with the Icon editor or used for Menu or Fileselection Icons. Clicking on the Grid Button will toggle the drawing boardgrid On or Off. Clicking on the Font Icon will present you with a pull downmenu for selecting a new Font type. Clicking on the Font Color Icon will present you with apull down menu for selecting a new font color. Clicking on the Screen Color Icon will present you with apull down menu for selecting a new screen background color. The Icon Editor Tools. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clicking on the Save Tool will save any changes you havemade to an icon. Clicking on the Copy Tool will copy the currently loadedicon to a paste buffer. Clicking on the Paste Tool will replace the current iconwith the icon copied to the paste buffer. Clicking on the Erase Tool will clear the icon editor tothe current color. Clicking on the Brush Tool will allow painting one pixel ata time. Clicking on the Box Tool will allow drawing a box. Clicking on the Circle Tool will allow drawing a circle orellipse. Clicking on the Move Tool, Up, Down, Left, or Right arrowswill scroll the icon on the drawing board. Clicking on the Flip Tool, Left, or Up arrow will flip theicon vertically or horizontally on the drawing board. Clicking on the UnDo Tool will undo your last change. Clicking on the Roller Tool will repaint the selected colorwith a new color. Clicking on the Filled Box Tool will draw a filled box usingthe current color. Clicking on the Filled Circle or Ellipse Tool will draw afilled circle or ellipse using the current color. Clicking on a color selection in the palette will change thepaint brush or roller color. You may also change the paintcolor by clicking your right mouse button on any color overthe entire screen. end: